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Donate to APS
Make a Tax deductible donation! Plant a seed with us to help support our mission. Your seed will help grow our organization and community programming currently based in Detroit, MI.
What your seed helps grow:
You will be supporting our mission to plant positive seeds in the world, raise awareness for mental health, and inspire others to do the same. We do this through community events, skateboarding programs, and media
Skate Programming:
A lot of our programming is based in underserved communities. With your support you can help us provide what we need to keep the kids rolling.
Rental safety gear ( Helmets, knee/elbow pads, wrist guards)
Hydration/ snacks ( Very much needed on hot summer days outside skating)
Extra gear: Skate shoes ( A lot of the time the kids don't have any skate shoes and would like to continue skateboarding after our programs. We would like to provide them with the tools they need to keep skating)
Future events:
Through skateboarding and community events our mission is to advocate for mental health, bring more awareness to it, and get others to leave doing the same thing. Take a look at some of our past events. Plant seeds, watch them grow!
Event production
Guest speakers, artists, local businesses
Food/ Beverage
Every fundraising event will donate a portion of proceeds to a select charity/ organization.
Operational costs
Thank you for your support, it means the world to us!
A Positive seed is a Nonprofit who's mission is to create positive change and advocate mental health through skateboarding events, media, and community involvement. Plant Seeds, watch them grow.

Thank you for planting a positive seed with us!
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